Saturday, June 2, 2012

"No Such thing as a Sure thing"

Going along with my last post about why products fail I started looking up products that have failed over the years and read about what could have caused them to fail or did cause them too. In this Forbes articles it talks about 5 bog products that failed and why. It was interesting to see both a pepsi and coke products on there as well as a mcdonald prodcut, microsoft product, and a type pf asprin. When reading the explanations as to why these products failed on phrase which really cause my eye was, as my title of this blog says, "theres no such thing as a sure thing" I think this is a key phrase to remember if you are a product perducer becuase you always need to remember that your product may take off or it my be a flop, either way there is no way to tell until you try it.

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