Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why do products fail?

It is really interesting to me how some products are soo successful and then others are a complete flop. Or the products that are popular for a few months and then you never hear about them again. I think it really shows how much it truely takes to put into making a good product that will be long lasting and sucessful. People are constantly trying to come up with new invention and products but it takes a special combination of things to keep a product from failing. While looking through different articles on why products fail I found one interesting that brought out some good points.It talks about what quailities are generally seen or looked for in a employee or manager in charge of new product ideas and also what all goes into looking for or thinking of new product ideas. Although I think being in charge of coming up with new product ideas or being on a team in which you are constantly thinking of new ideas or working to improve current ideas could be very challenging, I also think is could be very interesting and rewarding!

Here is the article!

1 comment:

  1. I agree on the attachment that managers will have. It is mind boggling to think that every product will go through its phases. I miss Taco Bell's chilito. It almost makes you dispassionate about everything, but there has to be a section in one's mind of being a puff-master.
